Monday, May 2, 2011

These two...

Beatrice and Eugenie were like, Let's wear something fun! Something that will get us noticed at our cousin's weddding! We know just the thing!

And I'm like...

And they're like, No, seriously, we look GOOD!

And I'm like...

PS, Beatrice. Lay off the eyeliner, doll. We are not Margot Tenenbaum.


  1. This post was awesome up until the o rly owl.

    At that point, it became epic.

  2. I will admit to putting the o rly owl in for your amusement.

  3. All I can say is "antlers & horns"..... what WERE they thinking???????

  4. It looked like a ribboned toilet seat on her head. I try to keep the two as far away from each other as possible.

  5. Best part of this post is that now I'm picturing you making O RLY Owl Face. Love!
