Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Discovering things people have known about for years!

This weekend I finally made it out to Honey's Sit N Eat in Northern Liberties. I've been meaning to go there for years but have had a million excuses like "it's always crowded" or "ugh, Northern Liberties." Well, this weekend my friend Bon was in town and suggested we check it out for brunch. Done and done!

Not to be all like GOOP but Bon is one of the most interesting people I know and we've been friends for double digits number of years. It's rare to maintain high school friendships, and I find it rarer still to maintain high school friendships where the conversation doesn't die after you've exhausted the updates about people you both used to know and laughed about all the old stories.

By the way - SIDEBAR- have you ever read GOOP? It's amazing. At first I thought it was the least self-aware vanity project I have ever read, but now I am convinced that Gwyneth Paltrow is just messing with us. The person who writes this...

This week’s GO on San Francisco is brought to you not only by myself, but by my local friends who I always consult when I am planning a trip there. Kelly, Erin, and Christy, the magnificent Turlington sisters, are Bay Area natives and always point me in the good stuff’s direction.

...either has no idea how "aren't I a cool celebrity?" she sounds, OR she's totally playing that up by name dropping in the most hilarious way. I am leaning toward the latter. GOOP amuses me far more than the Onion. It's totally worth reading.

-End of Sidebar-

The food at Honey's was totally awesome. I am not a big breakfasty foods person. In fact, if given the option, I would go for a breakfast of sides - bacon, home fries, and rye toast. I was delighted to find sandwiches on the Honey's brunch menu and ordered a sloppy joe. It was delightful and the fries were pleasantly crisp. Bon got something called a Breakfast Bomb, possibly just so he could say he had eaten a Breakfast Bomb. It looked like a breakfast taco - large pancake stuffed with cheese scrambled eggs and scrapple. Honestly, it looked awesome.

Here's the thing: Honey's was packed to the gills. We waited a little while for a table and even when we left a couple of hours later there was a line out the door. We opted to sit at the counter. Honey's is a BYO so we brought along a bottle of sparkling wine and ordered a pitcher of orange juice to make mimosas. We happened to sit right in front of the juicing machine and let me tell you - this thing is awesome. Every once in a while one of the Honey's staff would empty a box of oranges into the top of the machine and it would just work its magic, lining up the oranges into the chute and then extracting the juice in one fell swoop. It was collected directly into a pitcher and served to the patron. They are not kidding when they say freshly squeezed orange juice. I could have watched that juicer work for hours. Fantastic!

At the end of the meal, our server tried to tempt us with one of their amazing homemade cakes. They looked beyond delicious but we were stuffed full of comfort food and couldn't possibly be more comforted. I heartily recommend Honey's Sit N Eat, especially if you can get a view of the juicer.

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