Monday, May 6, 2019

2019 Derby Hats!

Happy First Monday in May! Right now all of our favorites are busy getting ready for the Met Gala happening tonight. I cannot wait to see how they interpret this year's theme, "Camp: Notes on Fashion." I'm anticipating quite a show! Alas, the WTS coverage of the 2019 Met Gala will commence NEXT MONDAY as I will be away from a computer for most of this week. I know, I know, but this is our most sacred event and I want to make sure to give it the appropriate attention. 

Today, my dear readers, it is our yearly tradition to pony up some superlatives for those Kentucky Derby Hats! Let's jump in!

Best Bridal Shower Creation!
Looks like someone registered at Bed Bath & Beyond!

Biggest Flower!
I am very much here for the Uh Oh I'm Being Crushed By A Gigantic Rose look.

Prettiest Flower Hat!
No jokes here, just NeNe Leakes wearing the hell out of a stunning hat.

Most Reliable!
He's back! Same hat, same smile. I deeply cherish the constants in my life.

Best Ode to Knitting!
What a lovely ball of yarn.

Most Literal!
- "So what hat are you gonna wear to the Derby?"
- "Oh I was thinking of that horsie one I have."
- "Okay but dress it up a little - maybe throw a flower in its mouth or something. It's the Derby, you know."

Best Flamingos!
I appreciate how uncomfortable and cramped the flamingos look, particularly the one in the middle. 

Worst Attempt!
Listen, I love a big hat but this is a very lazy attempt. It's almost like she saw JLo at the Grammys and was like, "Oh I bet I can find that at Marshalls." TRY HARDER.

Best Hilary Duff Impersonator!
Is this not Lizzie McGuire????

I think it's a bad idea to have a horse so close to so many rockets but that's just one person's opinion. Overall, I am both disturbed and impressed. 

1 comment:

  1. Best Ode to Knitting could also be named Ode to Jumping the Gun - Black Eyed Susan’s are the official flower of the Preakness
